Wilfred Peterson once said, “Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground”. I started working with the ESRO team (Environmental and Social Research Organization) in summer 2014. In this collaboration I am working with some very energetic, enthusiastic, selfless, grounded people like ESRO members. The organization has been doing excellent grassroots level work in social and environmental justice issues in North part of India. The ESRO team serves as positive role models for youth in schools and engages them in their communities. The team members provide dynamic leadership, constant engagement, ardent support to local schools and youth to get involved in community development work. The team is engaged selflessly in the teaching us the importance of our natural resources and how they are limited. I am very excited to be just a small part of this effort. Congratulations, ESRO team, for your hard work!
Dr. Meenal Rana
